Conteúdo digital, feito por pessoas

Your incident communication with the customer service team may be leaving money and reputation on the table!

We are living in the age of customers, and although nothing is more cliché than this statement, you need to accept that it is an absolute truth. After all, the market is highly competitive and digital, and therefore customer expectations are at the center of business strategies more than ever, since it is precisely people’s […]

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Corporate Feed: What Weduka learned from social networks to apply to company communication?

13/02/2024, às 22:03, por Daniel Fedrizzi Daniel Fedrizzi.
Categoria > Engajamento

We already know that effective internal communication plays a vital role in the success of any organization. In today’s fast-paced and interconnected business world, companies need efficient channels to facilitate communication between people. It is the backbone that fosters collaboration, alignment, and engagement, and this can support both productivity and people’s satisfaction. There is no […]


What Customer Success really is for Weduka

18/02/2022, às 19:47, por Dani Borth, CS Manager da Weduka Daniela Borth.
Categoria > Institucional

There is a lot of discussion about the activities of the CS (Customer Success) area and I can say that it is not so simple to explain. To introduce the subject, I will start by talking about some activities that are commonly confused: Support – the area has not changed its name, it is still […]


New futures, new interface

26/01/2022, às 19:30, por Antonio Pires, CDO da Weduka. Antonio Pires.
Categoria > Institucional

The new interface of the Weduka platform is much more than a simple change of colors and layout, it is an alignment between what we are and what we want to provide to people. A sense of conquest in each experience of creation or execution in our features, and bringing lightness so that people can […]


Explore data from the ecosystem

21/01/2022, às 20:16, por Leandro da Silva, CPO & CFO da Weduka. Leandro da Silva.
Categoria > Autonomia

We have arrived in 2022. Between waves and variants of the corona virus, day by day we have been learning how to deal with this new normal in people and process management. But are we really learning? I remember seeing great friends from this customer service universe telling us (with well-deserved pride) about everything that […]


How does Weduka create solutions WITH its clients?

17/01/2022, às 12:34, por CTO da Weduka, Carlos Costa Carlos Costa.
Categoria > Institucional

At Weduka, our essence is to generate moments of conquest for our clients. For that, we have a CS team, giving support for the day-to-day challenges and going beyond: collecting ideas and suggestions that can become new features of our platform. Our software development is based on agile methodologies and we try to be faithful […]


Record participation in the Weduka-x Award!

10/01/2022, às 20:50, por Daniel Fedrizzi Daniel Fedrizzi.
Categoria > Engajamento

In just one week of opening, we have already passed 50 entries! This season we will set a new record of participation. This is a reason for a lot of joy for everyone here at Weduka, after all, this positive response from people who use our platform is the concreteness of what we most believe: […]

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