How does Weduka create solutions WITH its clients?

At Weduka, our essence is to generate moments of conquest for our clients. For that, we have a CS team, giving support for the day-to-day challenges and going beyond: collecting ideas and suggestions that can become new features of our platform. Our software development is based on agile methodologies and we try to be faithful to an important principle of the Agile Manifesto:

Collaboration with the customer, more than contract negotiation.

We work to deliver value as soon as possible to the customer, and there is nothing better than to take advantage of this relationship that we create to listen, understand their pains, and propose intelligent and scalable solutions.

A good example of this co-creation with our customers is the new functionality we are working on for the monitoring product. In early December/21 we did a brainstorm involving key parts of our customers: the heavy users of quality monitoring management. It was an enriching discussion with more than 30 participants from different customers. This collaborative meeting generated excellent insights that were transformed into a prototype and, soon, into a new value delivery for all these people and their quality ecosystems. And the best: with the face of the customers, the way these people helped us to build it.

Our goal is to genuinely transform our customers’ pains into moments of conquest. This is the fuel for our development. We don’t build solutions for people. We build WITH people.



By Carlos Costa, in 17 de janeiro de 2022

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